Sunday, September 8, 2024

Why Does My Kitten Have A Big Belly

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When Do Cats Develop The Primordial Pouch

Why A Saggy Belly Doesn’t Mean Your Cat Is Fat

Cat owners often comment on how their cat did not always have a hanging belly, which is why they grow concerned when they begin to notice it changing. This is ok! It is true that the primordial pouch may not have been prominent when your cat was a baby, but expect it to grow in as they reach adulthood.;;

You should also know that the primordial pouch will be more pronounced for certain cat breeds. Specific cat breeds such as the Bengal that are bred from wild cats are required to have a primordial pouch to officially be considered one of the breed.

So My Cat Isnt Overweight

Your cat may have an obvious primordial pouch but not be overweight. So how do you tell the difference between a cat with a large primordial pouch and a cat that is simply overweight?;

According to South Boston Animal Hospital, The primordial pouch is looser, lower, and swings easily as cats walk. Obese cats will have a rounder tummy that doesnt sway when it walks The area will feel like a hard bean bag.

If your cats ribs can be felt but are not highly visible, and she has a clear waistline when viewed from above, she is likely at an ideal weightwith a little extra belly hang. However, if your cat has a round belly along with a distinct layer of fat over the ribs and no clear waistline, she may indeed be overweight. Learn more about what constitutes a healthy cat weight.

What Is A Primordial Pouch

As stated above, the primordial pouch is hanging skin that is in front of your cats hind legs. It is the technical name for your cat’s saggy belly. This pouch is part of your cats safeguard against injury from other cats. The primordial pouch’s primary functions are protection, food storage and movement facilitation.;

The primordial pouch is not as key to your cats survival today as it was in decades past. Some breeds also have a more obvious hanging belly than others. The pure-breds and exotics are said to have a more pronounced sagging belly than other breeds of felines.;

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Is The Swollen Abdomen Due To Cancer

In the worst-case scenario, the swollen abdomen may be a sign of cancer in your cat. If the swelling is sudden and is not all over, and if your cat is older, it may have developed some kind of internal organ cancer.

I have faced this type of cancer with my own cat, and the only sign that he was facing cancer was the tight and swollen abdomen. He had no lethargy or lack of appetite. If you suspect that your cat has cancer, your vet will most likely do an ultrasound to make a diagnosis.

Why Does My Cat Have A Saggy Belly

Why Does a Cat

Our cats are valued members of the family and when we notice things about them that seem out-of-the ordinary, it makes us concerned for their health. A hanging belly on your cat can be one of these things makes you wonder if your cat is healthy, but there is not reason for you to be alarmed about a cat that has a stomach that hangs.

Your cat’s saggy belly is known as the primordial pouch. It is an excess layer of skin and fat that is in front of your cat’s hind legs. A cat’s primordial belly, can be more noticeable when they walk or run.;

Why does your cat have a saggy belly? It is part of your cats anatomy that is used for protection. It helps keeps their stomach protected if they are in a fight with another cat that is “bunny kicking”. This is something that do with their back paws that can cause severe damage to their abdomen of their opponent.


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All About The Cat Belly Why Cats Show It And If You Should Pet It

Picture this: Your cat is sitting on your lap, lazily enjoying spending some quality time with you. Then, he rolls over onto his back, exposing his belly. What do you do? The cat belly is a tempting thing, but, as Admiral Ackbar says in Star Wars, Its a trap!

There are lots of places cats like to be petted, but if you try to pet a cats belly, youre almost certainly going to be met with some claws and teeth. So, why do cats react this way when we try to touch their bellies? Lets break it down.

Cats That Don’t Show Pain Arent Suffering

There are other ways in which cats can be said to be suffering without showing physical pain. For example, a cat might be struggling from a shortness of breath due to the way theyve been bred. Cats can also go through emotional pain or can have a neurological disorder that does not express itself in the normal ways in which cats show pain.

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Is The Swollen Belly Due To Weight

If the large belly has appeared over time, it may be due to your cat being overweight. If your cat is older, if it likes to eat a lot, and if it does not exercise, it may end up becoming overweight.

In order to decide if your cat is overweight, the vet will look at the overall signs of health in your cat. Is the weight evenly distributed all over the body? Is it obvious that it is fat and not swelling?

An overweight cat can face many health issues that can lead to a shortened life. Overweight cats are more at risk of developing diabetes. They may also face joint issues or bone fractures due to the excess weight. They will have trouble jumping up on beds or chairs and generally feel more lethargic.

Abdominal Inflammation In Cats Due To Liver Tumors

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The presence of a tumor or tumors in the liver is another cause which may explain why a cat has a swollen or hard belly. This disorder is more common in older cats. In these cases, older cats will usually show other non-specific symptoms, i.e. those which are common to several diseases. Concurrent symptoms usually only occur when the damage is already advanced.

When the cat has abdominal distension due to tumors, the belly area either enlarges or becomes loose and flabby. The tumor is a rigid mass which means the cat’s stomach feels hard. We might also see other symptoms such as:

  • Anorexia

When hair and skin is affected, it is likely the condition is in an advanced stage and treatment is more difficult. They will also become very weak and frail.

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Recovery Of Bloating In Cats

When a cats bloated stomach is the result of overeating, intestinal worms or parasites, the cat should recover well and resume living a normal, happy life. Cats with worms or parasites may need to receive preventive treatments to avoid a new infestation that could cause future episodes of bloating.

The cats owner should change some daily routines and keep a close eye on the cat as well. Overeating can make the cats stomach larger, and can make a future bloating episode more likely. Knowing this, the pet owner should provide the cat with several smaller meals throughout the day instead of giving only two or three larger meals.

If cats are allowed to roam outside, they may scavenge food from other sources, such as garbage cans. The new food may cause intestinal symptoms, gas and bloating. If the cats owner knows the cat has a tendency to do this, the cat should be retrained to live indoors.;

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Cool Facts About Cats

  • Cats are the most popular pet in the United States. In fact, there are 88 million pet cats in the U.S.
  • There are cats who have survived falls from over 32 stories onto concrete. However, this is obviously not recommended.
  • A group of cats is called a clowder.
  • Cats have over 20 muscles that help control their ears.
  • Most cats sleep 70% of their lives.
  • In tigers and tabbies, the middle of the tongue is covered in backward-pointing spines, used for breaking off and gripping meat.
  • When a cat grimaces, it is usually “taste-scenting.” They can do this because they have an extra organ that, with some breathing control, allows the cats to taste-sense the air.
  • Cats can’t taste sweetness.
  • Evidence suggests domesticated cats have been around since 3600 B.C., 2,000 years before Egypt’s pharaohs.
  • A cat’s purr may be a form of self-healing, as it can be a sign of nervousness as well as contentment.
  • Similarly, the frequency of a domestic cat’s purr is the same at which muscles and bones repair themselves.
  • The technical term for a hairball is a “trichobezoar.”
  • Female cats are typically right-pawed, while male cats are typically left-pawed.
  • Cats make more than 100 different sounds.
  • A cat’s brain is about 90% similar to a human’s.
  • Cats and humans have nearly identical sections of the brain that control emotion.
  • A cat’s cerebral cortex has 300 million neurons.
  • Cats have a longer-term memory than dogs.
  • Cats are often lactose intolerant.
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    What Other Tests Might Be Done To Investigate Abdominal Enlargement

    Depending on the results of the history, physical examination, and screening tests, additional testing could include:

    1. Specific blood tests: Specialized blood tests may be used if a particular disease or illness is suspected. There are many specialized tests; a few examples include:

    • serum bile acid testing to detect liver disease
    • antibody tests for specific infectious diseases;
    • pregnancy testing

    2. Imaging Studies: X-rays and ultrasound are often recommended to assess internal organs and to look for possible abdominal masses. More sophisticated techniques such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography may also be recommended if they are available.

    3. Testing for heart disease: This could involve x-rays, ultrasound, electrocardiogram, and specific blood tests such as ProBNP.

    4. Biopsy:

    Contributors: Kristiina Ruotsalo, DVM, DVSc, Dip ACVP & Margo S. Tant BSc, DVM, DVSc

    Swollen Hard Belly In Cats With Ascites

    The Primordial Pouch In Cats What Is It And What Is It For ...

    It is known as ascites to the accumulation of liquids in the abdominal cavity. It can have different causes and needs veterinary treatment to identify and treat it. The ascites can explain why our cat has a swollen and hard belly. In the following sections we will see what are the most common causes of ascites in cats.

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    Saggy Belly More Like A Primordial Pouch


    When your cat is fit, fierce, and strong, the last thing youd expect is a saggy belly. They can soar over the couch, sprint faster than the dog, and climb the backyard tree like it was easy. You feed them the right food, give them plenty of exercise, and your vet says theyre the perfect weight. So whats going on with that dang stomach pouch? Its not like you expect your athletic cat to have six-pack abs,; but their flabby tummy makes them look overweight.

    Dont worry, cat people. While your cats saggy belly might make them look unfit, its actually completely normal. That flabby stomach pouch is an important part of feline anatomy. Its there for a reason, and it even has a fancy name.

    The Cat Belly Is A Vulnerable Place

    First of all, the belly is a very vulnerable place. A host of vital organs sits mere millimeters under the skin of your cats tummy, and damage to any of them could be potentially fatal. Cats are therefore highly likely to guard their bellies from potential injuries.

    Unlike dogs, who love to have their tummies rubbed, cats are a good deal more reticent about it. Sure, there are some cats who love belly rubs, but theyre few and far between. Although youre not a predator bent on helping your cat meet a grisly fate, instinct tells cats that they should never leave themselves that vulnerable. Thats why you rarely see a cat lying on his back, even when hes fast asleep.

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    Can Ascites In Cats Be Treated

    Treating ascites in cats depends greatly on the root cause of the fluid buildup. Simply draining the fluid might provide temporary comfort to a cat, but if the source of the buildup is not addressed directly, the peritoneum will continue producing fluid, and the abdominal swelling will return. Many of the major reasons weve outlined above are extremely serious health issues for cats.

    In the case of something like feline infectious peritonitis, and the only real options are geared toward relief rather than cure. As for heartworm infestations, by the time there are sufficient parasites to cause congestive heart failure, it might be too late to treat. If an abdominal cancer is found, treatment options and recovery depend on how advanced the disease is when diagnosed. Performed in time, surgery might be able to resolve physical injury or organ trauma such as a ruptured bladder. Medication might address any bacterial infection that is causing excess fluid production.

    This piece was originally published in 2015.;

    Why Does My Cat Have A Swollen And Hard Belly

    Sagan is not Fat (Day 1266 – 5/13/13)

    In this article, we are going to explain why a cat has a swollen and hard belly. The seriousness of this situation will depend on the causes that originated it, among which can be found internal parasitosis, feline infectious peritonitis or hyperadrenocorticism, as we will see in the following sections. All these circumstances are going to be more or less probable according to whether we are facing a cat, a cat or a kitten. We will see, too, how to prevent and act before this problem.

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    Other Reasons For Abdominal Inflammation In Cats

    In addition to the causes of a swollen belly already mentioned, there may be some other issues affecting the cat:

    • Labor: if a pregnant cat is in labor, the cat will need to use contractions to birth the kittens from the uterus. This can give the impression that the belly has temporarily inflamed.
    • Uterine problems: there are infections such as pyometra which cause the uterus to swell. These can be seriously life threatening and need immediate treatment.
    • Obesity: of course a cat with an enlarged belly might have a more simplistic cause. In the case of overeating or eating food which is too rich, they may develop obesity. However, you will see they will also put on weight on other parts of the body.

    As we said in the introduction, being able to feel your cat’s belly to see if it is swollen is not always an easy task. This is why it is so important to look out for related symptoms and to have regular veterinary check ups.

    This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

    If you want to read similar articles to Why is My Cat’s Belly Swollen and Hard?, we recommend you visit our Other health problems category.

    Why Does My Cat Have A Hanging Belly What To Know

    Have you ever noticed your cat has a pouch of loose skin that tends to wobble while he or she walks? You might find yourself wondering if your cat has been putting on extra weight or that their hanging belly is a sign of something wrong, but there is no reason to worry! So, why does a cat have a hanging belly?

    Cats naturally develop a hanging belly over time, typically around the age when they become fully mature. This loose skin is just a natural part of your cats anatomy, and it is officially referred to as the primordial pouch.

    That pouch of hanging skin and fat serves a lot of purpose for cats. Most importantly, its entirely normal and nothing to be concerned about.;

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    Do The Skin Scales Developing On My Dead Kitten Provide Any Clues To What May Have Caused Its Death

    Main details:

    An orphaned kitten in my care recently passed away. Early on, it was what I’ve seen described as one of those “fading kittens” — crying all the time, glassy/watery eyes. I’ve read that even under the best circumstances the lives of such kittens are rather fragile. Admittedly, I made some mistakes along the way due to ignorance and would give anything to turn back the clock and do at least a couple of things differently, but unfortunately that is not an option. Still, I’d like to know what might have caused its death and can’t afford a necropsy. Does anyone know of someone who does pro bono necropsies? Please offer your recommendations if you do. In the meantime, I am wondering if the following development isn’t some sort of clue to what might have caused the kitten’s demise.

    The kitten must have died between 3 and 6 a.m. on the 26th of May. It has now been more than 48 hours since its death . Its belly is now very round and bloated. Does this reveal anything about what may have caused it to die? It also has developed small tear-drop shaped darkish skin scales on the right side of its abdomen (and also one long thin oval at the bottom of its belly. The skin scales are dark gray in color. Does this also reveal anything about its condition or what caused it to die?

    Additional information you may find helpful:

    Close up of the skin scales, ~60 hours after death

    Full body view showing skin scales

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