Sunday, September 8, 2024

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects In Cats

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Why Is The Rabies Vaccine So Important

West Side microchip and rabies vaccine clinics bring animal care to communities in need

Getting the rabies vaccine for you cat is vitally important, it could save their life and anyone they come in contact with. Once symptoms appear, rabies is almost always fatal. Your cats health will deteriorate within a few days. Many states require the euthanasia of unvaccinated animals exposed to animals suspected of being rabid because testing for rabies can only be performed once the animal has been euthanized.

These laws vary by region, contact your Mamaroneck veterinarian or local health department for additional information about the requirements and recommendations.

A Look At Each Vaccine: Rabies Vaccine

Rabies vaccine is unique in that it is most often used after exposure to the disease. The only people who typically get vaccinated as a preventive measure are those who are at high risk for exposure, such as laboratory workers, veterinarians, animal handlers, spelunkers , and travelers going to parts of the world where exposure to rabies is likely. People getting vaccinated as a preventive measure should get two doses of vaccine. The second should be given seven days after the first dose. Some people will also be recommended for antibody testing and possibly a booster dose.

Once someone has been exposed, their dosing will vary depending upon their vaccination history:

  • For those who have been exposed to rabies without previous vaccination, the vaccine is given shortly after exposure to prevent the progressive, invariably fatal disease, rabies. In these situations, a total of four shots are given in the shoulder muscle of adults or the thigh of children. The first shot is given immediately after exposure to a rabid animal, then again three days later, seven days later, and 14 days later. The person should also receive another shot called rabies immune globulin .
  • For those who have been exposed to rabies, but who were previously vaccinated with rabies vaccine, two shots should be given in the shoulder or thigh muscle. The first shot should be given immediately after exposure. A second shot should be given three days later. These people do not need to get RIG.

The Rabies Virus And How It Spreads

Rabies is an infection most commonly found in wild animals like skunks, foxes, and Racoons. The prognosis after catching rabies is not good for unvaccinated cats, for whom the infection is most often fatal.

The virus causes heightened aggression in animals suffering from its effects, and most US states require pets diagnosed with Rabies to be put down due to the ease of the disease spreading through saliva. All mammals are capable of catching rabies through the bite of an infected animal, so it’s important to protect your pet with an anti-rabies vaccination.

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What Serious Are Some Serious Side Effects Of Pet Vaccines

Most effects from puppy and kitten shots are short in duration and mild, but, in a couple of rare situations more severe reactions that require immediate medical attention can arise.

Symptoms of a serious reaction will typically occur very quickly after the vaccine is administered but can take up to 48 hours. Signs of more severe side effects to pet vaccinations include itchiness, hives, facial swelling, diahrreah, vomiting, and difficulty breathing.

Anaphylaxis is the most severe allergic reaction that cats and dogs can have from vaccinations. Anaphylaxis will typically occur in pets very shortly after being given a vaccination, but it’s important to know that anaphylaxis can appear up to 48 hours after the vaccine.

If your cat or dog shows any symptoms of anaphylaxis after getting a vaccination, call your vet immediately or go to the nearest emergency veterinary clinic.

Should I Vaccinate My Pet

What Are the Side Effects of Rabies Vaccinations for Cats : General Cat ...

Vaccinations are an important part of protecting your pet from serious and contagious diseases which could threaten the long-term health and well-being of your furry companion. In most situations, the benefits of giving your dog or cat vaccinations greatly outweigh the risk of your pet experiencing any side effects. Although, once in a while, some pets do have side effects.

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Once My Cat Is Vaccinated Will It Need Boosters

Yes. So, immunity doesn’t last forever. In most individuals, we sometimes need to jumpstart the immune system in the form of a booster to remind us how to keep us safe from a particular disease. And so, with most cats, we recommend seeing them every three years. We like to see them every year, but we will do them every three years for rabies and the distemper combination for boosters. And then, for those cats that need the leukemia vaccine, we typically do that every two years after kittenhood.

Cat Rabies Vaccine Cost

The type of vaccine used is often a large factor in how much a rabies vaccination will cost.

Vaccines that last longer, in addition to vaccines with a shorter list of potential side effects, are much more expensive your best bet is to ask your veterinarian which rabies vaccine they offer, and at what cost. Your vet can help you decide on the right vaccination plan based on your cat’s health, as well as your own personal budget.

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What Are Some Side Effects That I Need To Call My Doctor About Right Away

WARNING/CAUTION: Even though it may be rare, some people may have very bad and sometimes deadly side effects when taking a drug. Tell your doctor or get medical help right away if you have any of the following signs or symptoms that may be related to a very bad side effect:

  • Signs of an allergic reaction, like rash hives itching red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin with or without fever wheezing tightness in the chest or throat trouble breathing, swallowing, or talking unusual hoarseness or swelling of the mouth, face, lips, tongue, or throat.
  • Signs of meningitis like headache with fever, stiff neck, upset stomach, confusion, or if lights bother the eyes.
  • Feeling very tired or weak.
  • Not able to move face muscles as much.
  • Muscle weakness.

What Kinds Of Side Effects Can Pets Have To Their Shots

Bill provides rabies vaccine exemptions for dogs

Most reactions that pets have to vaccines are mild, short-lived, and generally far less dangerous than the illnesses the vaccines protect them from. Below we have listed some of the most common side effects cats and dogs get from vaccinations:

Lethargy & Slight Fever

  • Lethargy, mild discomfort, and a slight fever are the most common side effects pets get from vaccines. These can be characterized by your cat or dog not acting like themselves. This is a normal side effect of vaccinations, and the symptoms are usually mild and only last one to two days. If your pet isn’t acting normally after a couple of days, call your vet for advice.

Localized Swelling

  • Lumps and bumps are a common reaction to vaccinations in both dogs and cats. Often a small, firm bump will appear at the spot where the needle pierced the skin. This is a normal reaction however pet parents should keep an eye on the area to make sure the lump doesn’t keep getting bigger or show signs of inflammation, infection or oozing. The lump shouldn’t be painful and should gradually disappear over the course of about a week. If the bump shows signs of becoming infected, or hasn’t gone away after a week, call your vet.

Sneezing & Cold Like Symptoms

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Why Vaccinate Your Indoor Cat Against Rabies

Cat owners might believe vaccination against rabies is unnecessary if their cat is an indoor cat, but this is not the case. While it might be true that you don’t allow your cat outside your home, the potential for escape–or worse, for an infected bat or rodent to break into your home, is great enough to warrant protection for your feline companion.

The consequences of rabies are simply too dire to take any chances, the best and only way to ensure your cat is completely protected against rabies is vaccination.

It is also the case that in most US states all cats and dogs over the age of 6 months are required to be vaccinated against rabies. When you take your pet to be vaccinated your vet will be sure to issue you with a certificate of vaccination as proof that your feline friend is up to date with their rabies vaccine.

Note:The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

How Could My Dog Get Rabies

You might be wondering if its even possible for your dog to get rabies in this day and age. Sadly, the answer is yes.

Pets can contract rabies after coming into contact with the saliva of an infected animal. You might be more likely to see bats, raccoons, skunks, or foxes in rural areas, but dont be fooled. Wild animals stalk city streets as well.

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Cat & Dog Vaccine Side Effects And What You Should Know

All veterinary procedures come with some level of risk, even pet vaccinations. Most of the time the benefits of giving your cat or dog vaccinations are worth the very small risk. In this post, our Argyle vets discuss the possible side effects of vaccines and what you should do if your pet experiences one.

Are There Risks Associated With Cat Vaccinations

Feline Rabies Vaccination Side Effects Cats

Cat vaccinations stimulate your kitten or cat’s immune system in order to create protection from specific infectious diseases. This can cause mild symptoms to occur ranging from soreness at the injection site to fever and allergic reactions. Cat vaccinations can cause other risks like injection site tumors and immune disease, however, such incidences are extremely rare and can be linked to pre-existing genetic and medical conditions. Because of the potential for injection site reactions, we give each vaccine in a specific location that is noted in the cat’s medical record.

The fact is, the rewards of cat vaccinations far outweigh any risks. Cat vaccines have saved countless lives and play a vital role in the battle against feline infectious disease. As with any medical procedure, there is a small chance of negative side effects. In most cases, the risks are much smaller than the risks of disease itself.

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Do Indoor Cats Need A Rabies Vaccine Too

I have heard many pet parents say, But my cat is indoors only, when I bring up vaccinating their cat, particularly against rabies. It is very important that ALL cats be vaccinated against rabies, including cats that never go outdoors.

While you may keep your cat indoors, that doesnt mean that they cant ever escape or that wildlife cant ever find its way into your home.

Bats frequently sneak inside homescoming down chimneys or exploring attics. Bats are also known to trigger the hunting instinct in cats, which means your cat is more likely to chase and attempt to catch or play with a bat. Racoons are also known to make their way into your attic.

To ensure your cat is never at risk for rabies, the best decision you can make is to get them vaccinated against rabies.

Symptoms Of Adverse Reaction To Rabies Vaccine In Cats

Your cat may exhibit mild signs of an adverse or allergic reaction to the rabies vaccine. Those signs generally lessen over a few days and then resolve. Your cat may also develop serious signs from their vaccine that will need veterinary intervention and treatment. If you notice any of these signs, mild or severe, contact your veterinarian for an immediate appointment.

Signs of a mild reaction or allergy to the rabies vaccine in cats include:

  • Swelling at the injection site
  • Pain at or near the injection site

Signs of a serious reaction to the rabies vaccine in cats include:

Vaccine Associated Fibrosarcoma

This is the development of a cancerous tumor at the injection site. The tumor can develop from a few weeks to a year after the vaccination has been given.

Organ Damage

The protein that is in the rabies vaccine can potentially damage your cats kidneys, liver and/or central nervous system. Organ damage can occur up to 45 days after the vaccination has been given.

Anaphylactic Shock

Immediate veterinary care is required if your cat experiences anaphylactic shock, death can occur quickly without prompt treatment. While uncommon, signs of anaphylactic shock include facial swelling, difficulty breathing, coma, seizures, or death.

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Where Is The Rabies Shot Given In Cats

Additionally, there are specific guidelines regarding where vaccines should be administered: rabies vaccines should be given as far down on the right hind limb as possible, feline leukemia vaccines should be given as far down on the left hind limb as possible, and all other vaccines should be given as far down on the …

If My Cat Is Going To Strictly Live Indoors Do They Still Need To Be Vaccinated

Cat rabies vaccine

Absolutely. As I’ve mentioned before, rabies is still a risk even if your cat never goes outside. We still recommend distemper in most cases, too, just because we keep our windows open in the summertime here, and some cats go out and about. We want to keep any potential risk factors minimized by keeping those indoor kitties vaccinated.

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What Is A Rabies Vaccine For Cats

A rabies vaccine contains a minuscule amount of the rabies virus, giving your cat immunity to the disease-causing virus.

The rabies vaccine is a killed vaccine, meaning that the minuscule amounts of rabies virus within the vaccine will not cause disease.

Rabies vaccines may be adjuvanted or non-adjuvanted. Adjuvanted vaccines contain extra substances intended to increase the immune response to the vaccine. Non-adjuvanted vaccines do not contain these substances.

The rabies vaccine is injected into your cats body and will stimulate the cats immune system to mount an immune response against the rabies virus.

The cats body then develops the ability to create antibodies that can fight the rabies virus if the cat is ever bitten by a rabid animal. The antibodies help your cat fight off the disease, preventing your cat from developing rabies.

What Vaccinations Are Typically Recommended And What Are They For

We went over that a little bit. In general, for kittens, I recommend doing all three vaccines that we’ve discussed. The distemper vaccine, which is the combination vaccine, I recommend rabies, and for kittens, even if we’re pretty sure that they are not going to be going outside, I recommend doing the leukemia vaccine during their kittens series to make sure they’re protected. Sometimes plans change between kittenhood and a year old, and we end up letting kitties out, or they get out because they’re wily little creatures, and we want to make sure that they’re safe. After the kittenhood vaccines, we recommend every three-year vaccines for rabies and distemper, and leukemia comes every two years, but only for outdoor kitties.

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Signs Of Rabies In Dogs

. The dog may not be himself perhaps walking into things stepping sideways and possibly falling down. In rare instances administration of vaccines may cause lethargy. Soreness redness swelling or itching at the site of the injection and headache nausea abdominal pain muscle aches or dizziness can happen after rabies vaccine.

Ad Give The Cats You Love The Care They Deserve. 100 Secure Online Shopping. Its also possible for dogs to experience soreness and mild.

Easy Refills with Autoship. Rabies is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system of mammals causing deadly inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. According to the AAHA these effects include.

Transient non-specific systemic effects involve reactions that arent local to the injection site and can affect the whole body. Add your Vet and Pet Rx info then Chewy Handles the rest. Ad Shop a wide selection of pet health products.

Like all vaccines the rabies vaccine has potential side effects. Appetite loss Diarrhea Lethargy Low-grade fever Pain or. Trying Chewy Pharmacy is Easy.

Contains gentamicin as a preservative. It is generally recommended to avoid vaccination of pregnant cats. Ochoa explains that some cats and dogs may have swelling and pain at their rabies vaccine injection site.

In most states the second important vaccine for cats is the rabies vaccine which is not only recommended but also required. Rabies will affect your dogs nervous system.

Rabies In Cats Vca Animal Hospital

Vaccinations For Cats

Are There Side Effects To The Rabies Vaccine

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects in Cats

Reactions to vaccines are very rare in cats. When they do occur, they may include slight fever, decreased appetite, localized swelling at the vaccine site and lethargy. These side effects usually disappear within a few days.

In extremely rare cases, a cat may develop an allergic reaction to the vaccine that includes itchiness, facial swelling and hives. Severe reactions may include weakness and collapse. These are also extremely rare.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

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Are There Problems With Titer Testing

As pet parents become increasingly concerned about over-vaccination or serious side effects, you may hear more about titer testing. Titer testing involves a blood test to measure immune system proteins. These proteins are known as antibodies.

Antibodies are triggered to fight off infections.

The theory is that rather than get too many vaccines, a dog can be tested to see if he/she still has enough antibodies to fight off disease. If the antibodies are still present in significant numbers, perhaps the dog wont need additional vaccinations in the near future.

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